Whether you are thinking about starting your journey in prolotherapy or you have been practicing prolo for years, Dr. Davison’s courses are designed to help you get to where you want to be as a prolotherapist. We keep each training group under 10 people to ensure you one-on-one time with Dr. Davison to achieve your personal training goals.
If you are needing Canadian certification, our course is one of only a few approved prolo courses by the boards at the BCNA and the CNDA.
Here’s what students are saying…
Dr. Katie Carter, ND

Light-hearted attitudes with serious learning and one on one instruction. There is no way you can find a better student to instructor ratio, nor the amount of practicum experience with any other course (and I have been to a few). Dr. Davison’s core-centric breaks provide an atmosphere to keep your brain open, your body comfortable and another gem to take home to your practice. I completely recommend this workshop.
ND, BC Canada

Dr. Davison is a true integrative healthcare practitioner. If you want to learn prolo beyond an allopathic model, that includes passive core exercises to improve treatment efficacy, this is the course to take. Dr. Davison is the best expression of naturopathic medicine: kindness, competence, and knowledge
ND, Moncton, NB Canada

I think it was the perfect amount of didactic verse practical. Plenty of hands-on practice which is what we needed. I really enjoyed watching Dr. Davison with the practice patients.
ND, Seattle, WA

I really like the learning environment. Thank you for offering a great environment to share knowledge and experience.
ND, Seattle, WA

I loved being able to have one on one tutelage from Kevin! That was so helpful vs. sitting in a room with 100 other docs. The small group was key! I also really enjoyed the QiGong exercises 2x/day – it was such a great way to take the “thinking/brainy” cap off and put on the more “feeling” cap
ND, BC Canada

Thanks! Was a great course. Looking forward to more in the future.
ND, Alberta, Canada

Amazing! One of the most beautiful views and relaxing environments I have ever experienced. It was the first course where I came back feeling more rejuvenated than when I arrived (even with a 7 hour time change!).
ND, BC Canada

For me the format of the course was the perfect blend of Eastern and Western philosophies. The informal yet professional atmosphere in a smaller group setting made for an optimal method of learning.
K. Biswas, ND

Loved the Qi Gong exercises integrated into the course. One the Best injection seminars I’ve attended in my 20 yrs practice!
S. Bjorgaard, ND

Great T.A. to student ratio. Good, Professional, Clean environment.